Carob Honey

DISTRIBUTION: Bazinul mediteraneean: Grecia, Italia, Spania, Portugalia, Maroc, Tunisia, Turcia

SPECIES: Roșcov – Ceratonia siliqua

INTENSITY ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧

COLOUR: Maro închis

TEXTURE: Cristalizează lent

SMELL / AROMA: Lemnoasă, aromă de ciocolată

Known since biblical times, carob is still planted or grows wild in large areas of the Mediterranean Basin and is also known as ‘St. John’s bread’. In recent years, carob flour has become popular in vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free diets. A molasses, used as a sweetener, is also obtained from carob pods.

Until a few decades ago, carob used to be consumed in Romania as well, but in the meantime it has disappeared, like many other gastronomic customs of Ottoman / Mediterranean origin.

Carob honey is very dark, dense and crystallizes coarsely. It has an intense, chocolaty taste and aroma.