Arbutus Honey

AREAL: Mediterranean Basin: Greece, Italy, France, Spain, France, Portugal, Morocco

SPECIES: Arbutus unedo, Arbutus andrachne, Arbutus canariensis


COLOUR: Red-brown

TEXTURE: Finely crystallized

SMELL / AROMA: Woody, medium intense

Arbutus (aka strawberry tree) is an evergreen tree growing around the Mediterranean Sea. It blossoms in autumn and the fruits ripen in about 12 months, so they ripen during the next blossoming. They berries look like spherical, yellow-to-red beads. They vaguely resemble strawberries, which is why the tree is also called “strawberry tree”. The fruit is edible, but rather bland, with no specific flavour.

Arbutus honey is relatively rare, belonging to the category of bitter honeys (such as the chestnut one). When liquid, it has a dark brown colour. It crystallizes finely over time, becoming lighter in colour.

The best-known species is Arbutus unedo, found in the western half of the Mediterranean basin. Arbutus andrachne is widespread in the eastern part of the Mediterranean. An endemic species – Arbutus canariensis – grows in the Canary Islands.