Lavender Honey

DISTRIBUTION: Mediterranean Basin: France (Provence) // Eastern, Central and Western Europe: Bulgaria, Romania

SPECIES: True lavender, English lavender – Lavandula angustifolia / Lavandula – Lavandula x intermedia

INTENSITY ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧

COLOUR: Yellow-white / Yellow-red

TEXTURE: Crystallized, creamy / Liquid

SMELL / AROMA: Floral, intense, lavender flavour

There are over 45 species of lavender in total, but only a few are cultivated, mainly for the cosmetics and perfume industry. The region famous for its lavender is Provence, in southern France. Besides, Italy and Croatia praise the quality of their lavender. In Romania and Bulgaria lavender crops have appeared in recent years, hence beekeepers have discovered this melliferous plant.

When the concentration of lavender pollen and nectar is high, lavender honey is one of the most fragrant types of honey. It has an intense, lavender-like scent and taste. Provence has a creamy, very smooth, almost buttery texture. The honey from Romania and Bulgaria has a less pronounced lavender aroma, is darker, to reddish-yellow in colour, and can remain liquid for a longer time.