Honeysuckle Honey

DISTRIBUTION: Eastern, Central and Western Europe: Romania, France

SPECIES: European and Japanese Honeysuckle – Lonicera periclymenum, Lonicera japonica

INTENSITY ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧

COLOUR: Translucent, silvery

TEXTURE: Viscous, crystallizes very slowly

SMELL / AROMA: Floral, specific honeysuckle aroma

Widespread in Europe under several species, honeysuckle is an attractive plant, often grown ornamentally for its strong, very nice scent.

Honeysuckle honey is very rare and is obtained accidentally, because during the flowering period (May-June), honeysuckle flowers have a strong competitor for honey, the black locust tree, so hives must be placed away from acacias and close to the honeysuckle bushes in order to obtain honeysuckle honey. It is floral, with a distinctive flavour and a high viscosity.